物理のかぎしっぽ :テスト/reST文法 のバックアップ(No.13)




最近コンバートされた結果: HTMLPDFTeX

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Auto Enumerated Lists

#. list
#. list
#. list


Doctree elements: enumerated_list, list_item.

Enumerated lists (a.k.a. "ordered" lists) are similar to bullet lists, but use enumerators instead of bullets. An enumerator consists of an enumeration sequence member and formatting, followed by whitespace. The following enumeration sequences are recognized:

   * arabic numerals: 1, 2, 3, ... (no upper limit).
   * uppercase alphabet characters: A, B, C, ..., Z.
   * lower-case alphabet characters: a, b, c, ..., z.
   * uppercase Roman numerals: I, II, III, IV, ..., MMMMCMXCIX (4999).
   * lowercase Roman numerals: i, ii, iii, iv, ..., mmmmcmxcix (4999).

In addition, the auto-enumerator, "#", may be used to automatically enumerate a list. Auto-enumerated lists may begin with explicit enumeration, which sets the sequence. Fully auto-enumerated lists use arabic numerals and begin with 1. (Auto-enumerated lists are new in Docutils 0.3.8.)


When you specify a URL scheme (``file://``) and a hostname (empty in
case of ``file:///``), the link is *always* absolute.  If you really
wanted, saying ``file:///path/to/file/file.html`` should work.
Omitting the scheme allows relative links, will work both locally and
over http and saves typing  :-) .  Just say::

   `MyHtml <AnotherHtml.html>`_

As a shortcut, if you omit the link text::


the target "AnotherHtml.html" will be used both as the text and the target.


`MyHtml <AnotherHtml.html>`_



.. csv-table:: 
  :header: "", "$\bm{S_{0}}$", "$\bm{S_{1}}$","$\bm{S_{2}}$","$\bm{S_{3}}$", "$\bm{S_{4}}$"
  :stub-columns: 1
  "$\bm{S_{0}}$", "$S_{0}$", "$S_{1}$","$S_{2}$","$S_{3}$", "$S_{4}$"
  "$\bm{S_{1}}$", "$S_{1}$", "$S_{2}$","$S_{3}$","$S_{4}$", "$S_{0}$"


.. csv-table:: 
  :header: "", " $\bm{S_{0}}$ ", " $\bm{S_{1}}$ "," $\bm{S_{2}}$ "," $\bm{S_{3}}$ ", " $\bm{S_{4}}$ "
  :stub-columns: 1
  " $\bm{S_{0}}$ ", " $S_{0}$ ", " $S_{1}$ "," $S_{2}$ "," $S_{3}$ ", " $S_{4}$ "
  " $\bm{S_{1}}$ ", " $S_{1}$ ", " $S_{2}$ "," $S_{3}$ "," $S_{4}$ ", " $S_{0}$ "
  " $\bm{S_{2}}$ ", " $S_{2}$ ", " $S_{3}$ "," $S_{4}$ "," $S_{0}$ ", " $S_{1}$ "
  " $\bm{S_{3}}$ ", " $S_{3}$ ", " $S_{4}$ "," $S_{0}$ "," $S_{1}$ ", " $S_{2}$ "
  " $\bm{S_{4}}$ ", " $S_{4}$ ", " $S_{0}$ "," $S_{1}$ "," $S_{2}$ ", " $S_{3}$ "

@@author: 崎間@@
@@accept: none@@
@@category: none@@
@@id: none@@
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